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SIMS 7 - Advanced Notice of Change (Updated: 15/12)

15/12/21.  The proposed change is now expected to be included in the Summer 2022 release of SIMS.

(29/9/21) I have been advised by one of our colleagues that this would be a breaking change.  Please take this as a formal notification of our intent to include support for accented characters in names in the Spring 2022 release of SIMS 7. An email will follow.

Potential Breaking Change

We have had customer feedback that shows the need to extend our support for accented characters in SIMS 7. Addresses for example support UNICODE / NVARCHAR but 'Names' do not.

This is clearly something that we need to address and plan to do so ASAP.  Colleagues are looking in to the impact of the change and are making plans to make the required updates.

Anticipated fields for all 'Person' type entities:

  • Surname
  • Forename
  • Legal Surname
  • Legal Forename
  • Middle Names

Time Scales

Following feedback from one or more TI, this would be a breaking change for them and so we will need to apply a notice period in advance of the fix being released.

Our current target is the Summer 22  release and this document will be updated as and when plans are confirmed.

TIs are asked to notify partner support ASAP if they believe that there systems will be impacted by such a change.