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Pay 360 Education Payments - Possible certificate errors

Whilst the product is due for Sunset in September, there is a need to update expiring certificates shortly.  At present we are missing a certificate for https://www.transactionssimsagora.co.uk and have requested that Access Group provide it for us and await guidance.  If the certificate is delayed then cashless integration may fail due to a certificate error.

There is however an alternative URL which points to the same service but is covered within existing certificates.

Should a TI have a problem with  https://www.transactionssimsagora.co.uk  then switching it to  https://services.pay360educationpayments.com should solve the problem.

For example:

Are the same.

Likely failure of old URL

UPDATE 14/6 - The new certificates were deployed without   https://www.transactionssimsagora.co.uk  which is likely to mean that cashless caterers using the URL will receive errors.  Whilst this is being looked in to, we are reliant on colleagues both internally and at Access Pay 360 to solve the issue and we are working with them on the problem.  I have no fix ETA at this time.

Using https://services.pay360educationpayments.com/SchoolMealServiceV2.svc would resolve the problem.