Deprecation Notice - SIMS Learning Gateway Artefacts
Deprecation Notice - SIMS Learning Gateway Artefacts
Notice is given that we intend to remove the SIMS Learning Gateway (SLG) artefacts listed below in the Spring 23 release of SIMS.
Call to Action: Our opinion is that the changes proposed below are unlikely to impact on TIs but it is impossible to conceive of how all TIs will use SIMS APIs and we might be wrong! Please advise ESS-Partner Support if this will impact you and we will review plans if we receive requests from TIs on the proposals below.
Deadline date for responses 30/10/2022 - We will be happy to advise after that but change may be 'locked in'.
System Manager
SLG users

In the example above from test data SLG users have been renamed and the admin removed.
Some systems have users called
- SLG Admin
- SLG Teacher
- SLG Parent
- SLG Student (or similar)
These users were intended for SLG use and we plan to remove them. It is possible that these have been used as credentials for partner systems: we would not recommend this and have recommended that all TI applications are given their own user, named appropriately for the application and granted only the permissions requested by the vendor.
SLG Permission Groups

Currently there are 4 permission groups prefixed with “SLG” – are these used by Parent App, we propose to change the description prefix to “SIMS Online” to be more appropriate.
SLG Permissions

The permissions for SLG would likely be removed unless used elsewhere.
SIMS Lookups

Within the lookups there is an item known as “SLG Document Category” is expected to be renamed to “SIMS Online Document Category.

We are planning to remove 'Publish to SLG Roles'.