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Local - FMS ePayment Journal Examples

Somethings are not as obvious as they may seem even when the code required is quite bijou and compact.

            XmlDocument d = new XmlDocument();
            string fileName = @"c:\temp\journals.xml";
            string Server = ".";
            string Database = "FMS";
            string User = "Sysman";
            string Password = "Finance";
            string js = "";
            using (System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(fileName))
                js = sr.ReadToEnd();
            d.InnerXml = js;
            var LedgerProcessor = new CSFMSEJournalInterface.FmsGeneralLedgerProcessor(Server,Database,User,Password);
            var Xpath = LedgerProcessor.PostJournals(d);
            var navigator = Xpath.CreateNavigator();

Is all of the code needed to inject a bank journal to enable and ePayment system to update FMS.

WORKING EXAMPLE - Note the Guid for the transaction id.
<ControlAccounts xmlns="">
  <Header requestedBy="admin@capita.co.uk" responseDateTime="2022-03-18T00:00:00" systemIdentifier="TPPCS" description="Test Journal" submissionID="0071" source="Test Harness"  sourceVersion="" transactionLineCount="2" />
    <Bank reference="BK1" controlTotal="0.0">
      <Orders lastRowVersion="8573">
        <Txn id="c5fba7d6-134f-4149-b42c-6011f0fa81c2" externalReference="64562/2" productReference="WATBTL1" description="Blazer" date="2022-03-18T00:00:00" grossAmount="12.15" vat="0.00" vatReference="VAT_EXEMPT" grossSurcharge="0.15" surchargeReference="SURCHARGE" surchargeVat="0.00" surchargeVatReference="S_VAT_EXEMPT" />
      <OrderReversals lastRowVersion="8573" />
      <Settlements lastRowVersion="8573" >
        <Txn id="c5fba7d6-134f-4149-b42c-6011f0fa81c1" externalReference="64562/1" fileDescription="Tue, 03 May 2016" bacsReference="BACS1" bacsDescription="BACS1" description="Blazer" date="2022-03-18T00:00:00" grossAmount="12.15" grossSurcharge="0.15" grossCharges="0.19" chargesReference="CHARGE30" chargesVat="0.00" chargesVatReference="CHARGEVAT0" />
      <SettlementReversals lastRowVersion="8573" />

Clues to help debugging

  1. The transaction line count is equal to the sum of the orders, order reversals, settlements and settlement reversals.
  2. All codes used must be correct and have been entered in the Payment System Mapping Screen in FMS.
  3. The dates must be within an open period in FMS
  4. ids need to be unique and a GUID is recommended.
  5. Control totals must be maintained in the external system unless each and every journal posted is a 'balanced' journal with a control total of zero.
  6. BACS Reference in our example did not have to be an existing code or unique.
  7. Look at the Xpath variable and it offers some meaningful error codes, however some errors can be spurious and almost impossible to debug.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <Header requestedBy="admin@capita.co.uk" responseDateTime="2022-03-18T00:00:00" systemIdentifier="TPPCS" description="Test Journal" submissionID="0071" source="Test Harness"  sourceVersion="" transactionLineCount="2" />
    <Bank reference="BK1" controlTotal="0">
      <Orders lastRowVersion="1">
        <Txn id="1" productReference="WATBTL1" description="Description" date="2022-03-18T00:00:00" grossAmount="9.000000" vat="1.500000" vatReference="VAT20" />
      <Settlements lastRowVersion="1">
        <Txn id="1" description="Description" date="2022-03-18T00:00:00" grossAmount="9.000000" grossCharges="0.30" chargesReference="CHARGE30" chargesVat="0.00" chargesVatReference="CHARGEVAT0" />

The above example is one such spurious failure and best indication is that the error is caused by a duplicated id of '1'.