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SIMS 7 - Student Browse Coding


Best practice would be to use a sample SIMS Interface Application Sample to base the code upon.

Simply use the sample code as per module 4.

Relationship with the screen in SIMS

// We need to initialize the Calendar Cache (Pre - requisite – no explanation offered).
// Requires reference to CalendarProcesses.dll
SIMS.Entities.CalendarCache calCache = new SIMS.Entities.CalendarCache();
//Create the Browse Process
SIMS.Processes.StudentBrowseProcess studentBrowse = new SIMS.Processes.StudentBrowseProcess();


DLL’s needed are as the login example plus CalendarProcesses.dll


This example iterates through all of the year groups available.  studentBrowse has a cache of key values which may be useful to partners.


foreach (SIMS.Entities.YearGroup grp in studentBrowse.YearGroups)
    SIMS.Entities.StudentSummarys students = studentBrowse.GetStudents(
        "Current"                                 // Current students
        , SIMS.Entities.Cache.WildcardAny          // Surname any                                                                                                                        
        , SIMS.Entities.Cache.WildcardAny          // Forename Any                    
        , studentBrowse.RegistrationGroupAny.Code  // Any                    
        , grp.Code                                // The current year gp                    
        , studentBrowse.HouseAny.Code             // Any house                    
        , studentBrowse.TierAny.Code              // Any Tier                    
        , DateTime.Now                            // Effective Date                    
        , false);                                 // Photos


The parameters for filter lists are integer Ids.  The values for Any and None are typically -1 and -2 (Do not assume consistency for other browsers).


The filters for the status of the student are hard coded strings and there is no list available via the student browse; other browsers do have these available in the same way as other filter lists.


The set of student summaries can then be used for whatever it is needed for:


 ArrayList studentList = new ArrayList();
        foreach (SIMS.Entities.StudentSummary stud in students)
                +" Admission Number = " + stud.AdmissionNumber 
                +" Surname = " + stud.Surname 
                +" Forename = " + stud.Forename 
                +" RegGroup = " + stud.RegGroup 
                +" MidName = " + stud.MiddleName 
                +" Gender = " + stud.Gender 
                +" DOB = " + stud.DOB);


There is no suggestion that the ‘studentList’ is usable as provided.