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SIMS 7 - TPPersonStudent


This will get all the students and its related information from SIMS system valid within the date supplied. The output returned from the interface will be as below.


It is similar to above method except that it gets information of All Students. It gets additional information in the Student XML like Birth Certificate Seen, Attendance Mode, Former UPN, English Additional Language, Home Language, Ethnic Data Source etc.

TPPersonStudent.GetXmlStudents(int studentId)

This method gets information of a student passed as a parameter. It gets additional information in the Student XML like Birth Certificate Seen, Attendance Mode, Former UPN, English Additional Language, Home Language, Ethnic Data Source etc.


TPPersonStudent studentInfo = new TPPersonStudent();
string data = studentInfo.GetXmlStudents(2447);

Sample return (May be added to over time!)

Output :
    <ChosenName />
    <MiddleName />
    <AttendanceMode>All Day</AttendanceMode>
    <FormerUPN />
    <UniqueLearnerNumber />
    <YearTaughtIn />
    <YearTaughtInID />
    <NHSNumber />
    <BloodGroup />
    <EthnicDataSource>Provided by the parent</EthnicDataSource>
    <EnglishAdditionalLanguage />
    <EnglishAdditionalLanguageID />
    <NationalIdentity />
    <NationalIdentityID />
    <RegGroup />
    <RegGroupID />
    <YearGroup />
    <YearGroupID />
    <House />
    <HouseID />
    <RollMode>Single Registration</RollMode>
    <ParentalSalutation>Mr F and Mrs R Abbot</ParentalSalutation>


This will get all the nationality description related to all students from SIMS system valid within date supplied. The output returned from the interface will be as below

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>


TPPersonStudent.GetXmlChangedStudents(DateTime referenceDate)

1) Calling the interface on referenceDate 04/01/2010 will get all the students from SIMS system as shown below:

TPPersonStudent studInfo = new TPPersonStudent();
string changeddata = studInfo.GetXmlChangedStudents(DateTime.Parse("04/01/2010"));

2) Calling this interface after modifying/deleting/adding students [with appropriate date] returns only the changed student information. Sample code and out for each is shown below:

a) Modifying an existing Student. Add middle name to Student with personId 5253 [Ben Abbot]

TPPersonStudent studInfo = new TPPersonStudent();
string changeddata = studInfo.GetXmlChangedStudents(System.DateTime.Now);


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>
    <AttendanceMode>All Day</AttendanceMode>
    <FormerUPN />
    <UniqueLearnerNumber />
    <YearTaughtIn>Curriculum Year 12</YearTaughtIn>
    <NHSNumber />
    <EthnicDataSource>Provided by the parent</EthnicDataSource>
    <EnglishAdditionalLanguage />
    <EnglishAdditionalLanguageID />
    <QuickNote />
    <YearGroup>Year 12</YearGroup>
    <RollMode>Single Registration</RollMode>
    <DateOfLeaving />
    <ParentalSalutation>Mr and Mrs Abbot</ParentalSalutation>

b) Add a new Student with Surname and Forename as TestSurname and TestForename

Calling this interface will get the information of this newly added student.

TPPersonStudent studInfo = new TPPersonStudent();
string changeddata = studInfo.GetXmlChangedStudents(System.DateTime.Now);

Output :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>
    <MiddleName />
    <AttendanceMode>All Day</AttendanceMode>
    <FormerUPN />
    <UniqueLearnerNumber />
    <YearTaughtIn>Curriculum Year 12</YearTaughtIn>
    <NHSNumber />
    <BloodGroup />
    <EthnicDataSource />
    <EthnicDataSourceID />
    <HomeLanguage />
    <HomeLanguageID />
    <FirstLanguage />
    <FirstLanguageID />
    <EnglishAdditionalLanguage />
    <EnglishAdditionalLanguageID />
    <NationalIdentity />
    <NationalIdentityID />
    <QuickNote />
    <PhotoID />
    <Religion />
    <ReligionID />
    <YearGroup>Year 12</YearGroup>
    <RollMode>Single Registration</RollMode>
    <DateOfLeaving />
    <ParentalSalutation />

c) Deleting the Student [personId - 7660 ] added above in Step 2b) and calling this interface:

TPPersonStudent studInfo = new TPPersonStudent();
string changeddata = studInfo.GetXmlChangedStudents(System.DateTime.Now);


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>
  <Student deleted="true">



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