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SIMS 7 - Student Young Carer Details


Students have a list of their your carer responsibilities. This can be accessed as follows:

Data Format

    public class CarerDetail
        public string IdentifiedBy { get; set; }
        public DateTime Start { get; set; }
        public DateTime End { get; set; }
        public string Notes { get; set; }
    public class dStudent
        /// <summary>
        /// SIMS Internal ID
        /// </summary>
        public int id { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Surname to help understand the process.
        /// </summary>
        public string LegalSurname { get; set; }
        public List<CarerDetail> YoungCarerDetails = new List<CarerDetail>();
        // ...


            SIMS.Processes.StudentBrowseProcess studentBrowse = new SIMS.Processes.StudentBrowseProcess();

            SIMS.Entities.StudentSummarys students = studentBrowse.GetStudents(
                "Current"                                  // Current students
                , SIMS.Entities.Cache.WildcardAny          // Surname any                                                                                                                        
                , SIMS.Entities.Cache.WildcardAny          // Forename Any                    
                , studentBrowse.RegistrationGroupAny.Code  // Any                    
                , studentBrowse.YearGroupAny.Code          // ANy YG                   
                , studentBrowse.HouseAny.Code              // Any house                    
                , studentBrowse.TierAny.Code               // Any Tier                    
                , DateTime.Now                             // Effective Date                    
                , false); ; ;                              // Photos
            foreach (SIMS.Entities.StudentSummary student in students)
                EditStudentInformation studentEdit = new EditStudentInformation();
                studentEdit.Load(new Person(student.ID), DateTime.Now);
                dStudent studentDetails = new dStudent();


// Young carerer
                foreach (SIMS.Entities.StudentYoungCarer y in studentEdit.Student.AdditionalInformation.StudentYoungCarers)
                    CarerDetail carerDetail = new CarerDetail();
                    carerDetail.Start = y.StartDateAttribute.Value;
                    carerDetail.End = y.EndDateAttribute.Value;
                    carerDetail.IdentifiedBy = y.StudentYoungCarerTypeAttribute.Value.Description;
                    carerDetail.Notes = y.CommentAttribute.Value;