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Web Access - Technical Intro

Please read the non-technical introduction, this document won't repeat the advice.

As with most developers, it is always good to have a play before reading the documentation and Hello World provides a downloadable postman environment and a call to get an access token and then some data.

The first consideration is can you get the data required from the web APIs. There are 2 ways to find out where your product fits web APIs (Technical):

Example calls typically include the call to get the data - copy and paste in to postman. Typically calls return JSON and the examples will have example classes to deserialize the data in to. These are available as a visual studio project where many of the classes are used for a demonstration ' parental communications' export; Contracted TIs are free to use these as required in their own solution.

It is essential that the senior technical person for the project confirms that current API coverage meets their needs.  Simply using the tools above, it should be possible to confirm that required coverage is in place.  If it isn't please review the on-premise option and arrange a call with partner management to sanity check your conclusion.

Please however read the sections below during the design phase. Getting the data may be the easy part, storing, securing and managing the data extracted is likely to be a much larger part of the project.

Work in progress

  • GDPR Considerations <Link To Follow>
  • Design for efficiency <Link to Follow>
  • Build an App in SIMS ID
  • Test Facilities